Laos part I
Oh boy ! There are so many things that I want to write about after my stay in Laos, my fingers are so eager. Let us begin with my arrival ( ^_^)/ My cousin, Katty, picked me up at the airport when I arrived around 1PM and when we reached home I went around the neighborhood to greet aunts and uncles that barely recognized me after my last stay four years ago, haha . . . Thereafter me and Katty went to the market near our house to buy food since I was craving for papaya salad (;´ρ`)

I remember how happy I felt at that moment. Reunited with my family and eating the kind of food that I once upon a time ate everyday. Oh god, this is harder than I thought. I am writing my first post about Laos and I am already crying because I miss it so much(┬┬_┬┬)Okay, time to get my shit togheter. Later on the evening I sat outside our house along with other neighbors and drank Beer Lao. A few facts when drinking beer in Laos is 1 - You drink beer with lots of ice, because it is too hot in Laos and also if you do not have ice you will be wasted before others even get tipsy. Beer Lao is extremely cheap and Lao people drink a lot of it several days a week. 2 - Lao people cheers a lot. And when I say a lot, I mean a lot. This is why you need ice. You drink practically all the time and the beer never ends, because people keep pouring beer in to your glass all the time. Well, that is it for todays lesson about Laos (^-^ ) After a few hours of drinking me and my cousins decided to continue the night at a restaurant and thereafter a club called @ Home. Genius name, actually ! "Where are you?" - "At home!" lol . . .

Cousin and aunt demonstrating sticky rice and Beer Lao, haha

My cousin, Katty ♥

Cousins, at the restaurant

At @ Home (Ps. My new hair color!)

To be continued . . .