First post from Bangkok, Thailand
Finally, I am updating this blog, from Bangkok d(⌒o⌒) Emma and I arrived the 11th of December and we started off by staying at a small but modern hotel called 41 Suite Hotel. I really recommend this place because it is near the BTS station - Phrom Phong(which is close to the more "central" stations) and the price is pretty decent considered the location, class and security of the hotel. Not to mention their staff! We really got attached to one of their receptionists. The receptionist was very kind and even helped us search for cheap condominiums around Bangkok. Great service in other words! Click here to read more about 41 Suite Hotel.
My Vine when we were about to board the plane from Sweden
One thought came in mind while Emma and I searched for hotels before our journey; why are there windows through the bathroom and bedroom in almost every hotel in Bangkok?!

Nice interior at 41 Suite Hotel

A few days after our arrival we went to MBK just to go out and do anything other than visit condominiums. At that particular day there was a Japanese event at MBK, organized by a Japanese school. We felt kind of abnormal among all the cosplayers . . .

At the same day we also met up with a childhood friend of mine to eat Korean BBQ at Korean Town, located in Asoke. Unfortunately I forgot to take photos of the place, I blame myself for being too hungry and eager to dig in. After the dinner we made our way to Nana to visit an outdoor bar which is known for their shishas. They also had belly dancing performances and singers. Truly, an eastern atmosphere (〜・▽・)〜♪
Now I am skipping ahead to when we actually decided on which condominium to move in to. It took us about a week to look at different condminiums, decide on which one to take, sign the contract and move in. I freaking love this country. In Sweden it is impossible to find a condominium with a swimming pool, gym, library, hair salon, dry cleaning, café, restaurant and 7Eleven included in the building for a decent rent. Not even sure if there actually exist condominiums like that in Sweden . . . Anyway, back to our condominium. It is a two bedroom with 47 square meters. I would love to show you how the whole place looks like, but for now I will just post pictures of our view from both our balconies, afternoon and night, and my room. I will take pictures of the other rooms later on when it is cleaned properly, lol. And maybe the other facilities in the building too?
Balcony at the kitchen

Balcony at the master bedroom

And here is my room~!

Windows down to the floor

I only brought a small amount of clothes with me, compared to what my actual closet looks like in Sweden, so I am pretty excited about all the new clothes I will find here in Bangkok ♡ Oh, did you spot my pink drinking hat that I got as a present from the previous Gals and Shit event? Of course I brought it with me to Thailand! Haha, okay this post is getting too long so I will just stop here and update later on. Take care ★