Gals and Shit ★ Cruise Edition
The 25th - 27th of November Kimii and I held our last meetup for a very long time. I will soon be studying in Thailand for at least half a year so therefore we will not be able to host a Gals and Shit event for a while. Anyway, we wanted to do something bigger than usual for this meetup ☆ Our first meetup, the Boats and Gals 2.0, was real fun so we decided to go on a cruise again. But this time we changed things up by going on a longer cruise and also tour around in Tallinn before heading back ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
Photos from myself and Xiaoting

Daniel styling my hair for the night

Kimii, waiting for us to be ready for dinner

Wesley and Xiaoting

Sofia and Wesley

Peace !

Buffet time (。・ρ・)ジ

Cheers !

Rebecca ♡ chips

Day 2 - Arrived in Tallinn

Vapiano time

So much LUV ♥

This glass bottle looks so beautiful (*´▽`*)

Our stash after shopping in Tallinn

Welcome to the party cabin ヽ(^^)(^^)ノ

Xiaoting got a late birthday gift from us ( ^.^)

And I got an early birthday gift from Sascha ヽ(´▽`)ノ

Herp and Derp ★ Cruise Edition

And that was all of the "acceptable" pictures for the public (∩_∩;) I hope everyone had a good time even thought the rocking boat made some of us seasick, lol. And thank you all for making it to another memorable meetup ♡ Look forward to our future meetups, because there will be more to come ! Kimii and I are already starting to plan for the next Gals and Shit event d(^▽^) Take care~!