This is Thailand part I
Aaaaand I am back(^v^)
Still a little jetlagged but I will use my free time to blog as much as possible before the hectic reality kicks in. So, where to begin? I flew to Bangkok all by myself and that is one of the most boring things I have ever done in my life. It took me a total of 16 hours because of the transfer. Since I only managed to sleep 3 hours in total I was pretty tired when I arrived to Rayong. During the night my dear friends(who I met up in Rayong) and I went out for dinner and thereafter I just went to bed (。-ω-)zzz The day after we went to the island "Koh Samed" by speedboat and hang out on the beach.


And then it was new years eve 。.:*☆ I got pretty sick during new year so I tried drinking a little whiskey, but of course that did not work so I ate some painkillers and luckily my fever went down before midnight. There were fireworks and lanterns which we lighted up with a wish~
Cousins playing sexy models lol

To be continued . . .