Boats and Gals 2.0
It was quite a while ago that mine and Kimii's event, Boats and Gals 2.0 cruise, took place and I am sorry for the super late post about it (-人-;) My friend took the photos but I have constantly forgotten to borrow them. Well, here goes ! The idea started off at the Oslo summer meetup when people showed interest for visiting Stockholm for a meetup. Since I live in Stockholm I took the liberty of starting up an event togheter with my partner in crime, aka Kimii. When the day came, 10th of October, both old and new friends arrived to Stockholms harbour for a 23 hours cruise. At 7pm we boarded the cruise and partied throughout the trip with only 3-5 hours of sleep ! Hardcoooore (゜ロ゜)
Sini and Daniel

The boss making important calls, lol

Kimii getting ready in our cabin

My look for the night

G-hosts !

Up at the disco with partypeople

Giving out presents for birthday kids(dafuq is Marcus doing?)

Time to PARTY

Kimii and Mio

Mio and Rin

When the real party started there where no time for photos ☆ I think people went to sleep at latest around 6-7am, lol. But no slacking on the Boats and Gals 2.0 cruise !! We started the after party at 3pm when the tax free opened and continued the party until we got off the boat (≧▽≦)
Snatched a picture from Kimii where you can see my whole outfit

And then the after party started

(Almost) Everyone gathered the day after, all worn out lol