Gals and Shit ☭ Finland Edition
So yeah, another Gals and Shit meetup took place and this time in glorious Finland ! The official date for the meetup was 1st of August, but Kimii and I arrived the day before. Our plan was to take it easy the first day and save our strenght for the actual meetup. That was the plan. Instead we ended up at Sini´s place prepartying, for the meetup ?! I do not complain thought because I had an awesome night ☆
Kimii and I boarding the plane to Helsinki.
The day after, the official meetup day, we all met up at Viivi´s place to hang out and party~! I was too lazy to bring my camera with me that day so the only pictures I got is of my own look taken with mobile camera for Twitter and Instagram before we headed out. Anyway, had lots of fun at the party and got to know new people ヽ(^^)(^^)ノ
Vine video taken by Alex from the first night of Gals and Shit
Now on to the second day of the meetup ! We met up quite late on the evening and took a boat to an island named Suomenlinna where we had a picnic ( ^o^) Everyone brought something with them and we all shared like a cute little family. We stayed on the island until midnight I think and then took the boat back to town. Some of us wanted to continue the night so a gay club was the next destination ! My last destination was, of course, McDonald´s but I heard that some of the others ended up swimming in the beach when the sun had already gone up. Crazy people !!
Waiting for the boat
We are on a boat ♪

Kimii and I ♥

Arrived on the island

With Jojo ♡

Waiting for the boat back to town

And now on to the third day. Adorable Oona booked tables for us at a fancy club for this night ★ Once again, I had lots of fun. How can you not have a good time with these people?
Oona ♥

Tsuomasu being a host with the bottle, all ready !

There was a fourth and last day of the meetup where people went to a restaurant for dinner, but I was not feeling well so I skipped it(;へ:)Too bad because I did not get to say bye to everyone properly since we traveled home the day after. I want to thank everyone for attending and making it to an awesome meetup and memory(´ω`♡%)And of course thank all the Finnish hosts ☭