So yeah, I blogged for a week ago but the post vanished because of the damn internet connection. What I wanted to blog about was my new purchases from Pinkyparadise and Ebay ! My expenses has increased with various bills, rent and savings after I graduated school so I can no longer afford to shop as much as I have before (╥_╥) That is why I had a hallelujah-moment when I remembered that I have money on my Paypal account\(*T▽T*)/My number one priority was to buy new circlelenses since I have had mine for a year, I think. This time I choose to buy brown lenses instead of blue, try a new brand of green lenses and bought the same grey ones ☆ Since Pinky also has make up products, I decided to try out Dolly Wink's eyebrow pen #1 Honey Color.
GEO Tri Color Brown, G&G Gothic 3 Tone Green and GEO Tri Color Grey

After I purchased from Pinkyparadise I had a few dollars left so I raided Ebay, hoho~ I have been looking for a new phone case that works as a wallet. Luckily I found a cute one for a great price(^ω^)I even spotted an auction for a leopard cardigan which no one had betted on, so I betted on it and won it for $0.99 lol . . . My last purchase was Koji Eyetalk Double Eyelid Glue that I wanted to try out after watching Promise Phan's youtube tutorial on a make up while using the product ! I know I already have double eyelids since I am half swedish, but it would not hurt to have a deeper eyelid crease(人´∀`*)
Choose the pink case

The double eyelid glue stick and cardigan

I should be receiving these purchases the upcoming week. So excited O(≧▽≦)O