End of summer
Wow . . . I can't believe that the summer has ended and school has started. Well, at least for the students. I am no longer a student since I graduated this year ★ This tuesday night my woman, Kimii, came to Stockholm ! She has been staying at my place these past days and we have been hanging out with friends. During wednesday we met up with Emma and our newest member in Lovelipop, Line ( ´ ▽ ` ) She is so cute~ The plan was to eat at a japanese restaurant called Ki mama, but unfortunately it was closed when we arrived. Instead we ended up at our usual place, called the Panda.
Line and Kimiii . . . I have no idea what Kimii is doing lol

Ouff, we were so stuffed after the meal. Food-coma lol . . . When we were able to move again we said bye to Line and then headed to an asian store to buy Kimchi noodles (●♡∀♡) Marcus joined us then and when we were done shopping we went to a café to avoid the rain.
Gorgeous Kimii

Super concentrated Emma while playing Bejeweled

At 7pm me and Kimii headed to Andrés place for dinner (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) The plan was to cut my hair, but somehow we managed to play games until 4am . . .