2014 ReCap - January
Category: Casual
During New Years Emma and I pretty much stayed home because Emma had this terrible flu. Shortly after New Years our good friend Svante came to Thailand to stay with us for a couple of months. Since we were new in Bangkok it was nice to have a guy friend with us to clubs and such. Before Svante arrived all we did was visit shopping malls and settling in our new condo σ(^_^;) In other words, our adventures started from here on!
Protests were going on around Bangkok at this time so friends and family were worried about us. We never got involved in any violent protests of course because we never visited the serious protest areas. As you can see in the Vine above, there was a stage in the middle of a road where people made speeches and had live performances. This was a non-violent protest spot, located in a big shopping area. The protests did not affect our daily lives much except for the traffic. In Bangkok traffic is always awful but during the protests it was worse because of the blockades. Well, enough about the protests for now! It had already been over a month since Emma and I arrived so it was time to enroll school (^o^)/

Emma had researched Walen School of Thai before we moved. Both of us have not attended school for a while so their easy-going atmosphere and learning technique interested us. We chose the school and paid ~25,000 baht for 180 lessons. I got my Education Visa from Walen too d(^_^o) Lucky Emma is a Thai citizen so she does not have to bother with visiting the Immigration Office every 90 days..

Now on to the fun stuff; Parties! It was in the end of January when we visited our first bus bar. They are the perfect preparty hang out ( ^ ^ )/■ You sit outdoors, listening to music and enjoy buckets of alcohol from the bus bar.
Since I have introduced a great preparty hang out, now let me introduce you to THE party. On the 31st of January, Sensation White Wicked Wonderland happened! Three days before Sensation White we decided to search for tickets to the event. Luckily we found a person who wanted to sell her early bird tickets so we got the tickets cheaper than expected. Our next task was to find a white outfit! Damn, easier said than done.. Took me two days to raid the shopping mall for an outfit _| ̄|○ Anyways, we suited up and headed to the event.
I have never seen so many people dressed in white.. When we entered the venue the staff handed out Sensation White LED bracelets to all the guests. We tried to turn our bracelets on but they would not light up. What the hell, we thought and decided to try out the bar instead. We bought coupons and got ourselves a six pack of Sensation White Heineken cans. And finally, the show started ★
I had an awesome night! Currently one of the best events I have ever been to. As you can see in one of the video clips, all the LED bracelets light up at the same time and it was so cool (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) The Sensation White crew promised to come back to Thailand in 2015 and I do hope they will. It is already January 2015, but a Sensation event has not been confirmed ( ・᷄ ︵・᷅ ) Anyway, I highly recommend Sensation for you guys who loves a big party. Aaaaand this sums up my 2014 - January recap. I will try my best to blog more frequently from now on and post about the stuff some of you have requested. See you ♡