Halloween 2013
Category: Events
Whoa~ a whole month has passed without me blogging. So, what has happened since last time I updated? Halloween Σ(o>艸<) This holiday is well celebrated by me and my friends ! Since 2011 we have been attending Fried Rice´s annual Halloween party and it has become a tradition. In 2011 there were five of us girls that dressed up in the theme of "Burlesque" and last year I went as a pirate. This year I decided to go as The Baddest Schoolgirl (。-`ω´-) Inspiration from CL´s The Baddest Female.
Blood was our theme this year

Elise as a bloody Queen of Hearts ♥

Emma, as Gogo Yubari, and I, the baddest schoolgirl

Kimii and I ♡

Group photo when prepartying

We only managed to take a few photos before heading out to Fried Rice´s Halloween party since we were kind of busy getting ready and prepartying. Especially Emma, Lin and I were quite stressed because earlier on the same night we attended VIXX´s Global Showcase tour. Not complaining thought, because I had a blast that night ☆