Lydia Vimala

Vassen Rainbow Eyes Brownish Hazel

Category: Reviews

It was about time for me to buy new circle lenses and here they are! I only bought two pair of lenses this time, but I am already thinking of buying one more pair soon (⌒_⌒;) My first review of the new lenses will be of Vassen Rainbow Eyes Brownish Hazel from Pinkyparadise. Bought these pair for $23.90 with, of course, a one-year life span. As always, I got cute lens cases with my order 
Outdoors lightning
Indoors lightning
With flash
With and without circle lens
Oh my, these are truly the most comfortable circle lenses I have ever worn! I hardly notice wearing them at all. It is quite a shock for me since they are a bit bigger than what I usually use and the other 14.5~15mm lenses I have tried in the past gets really heavy after a few hours. I can use these for at least six hours without them making my eyes dry. 
This is the part that makes me frustrated. They are the most comfortable circle lenses I have ever worn, but they are also the most boring-looking one! Vassen Rainbow Eyes has a very natural design and the only "special" thing with the lens is that it is wide in diameter. I said before that I like natural-looking lenses but these are just too natural and plain for my taste. I guess it is because they are too alike my real eyes.
Enlargment ◆◆◆◆◇
They are quite an enlargment, that is for sure. I am not sure of the actual diameter because the description says 14.5mm/15mm but after some googling it seems that 14.5mm is the right one.
Color ◆◇◇◇◇
As mentioned, these lenses are too alike my real eyes, therefore the low points in color. But I bet that it would look more vibrant and exciting if the person who wears it has darker eyes than me, or maybe blue or green eyes.
I usually take pictures of my overall look with the circle lenses but I forgot this time (つω⊂* ) Until next time then 

Geo Tricolor Brown - Review

Category: Reviews

And I am out with a review again~! These lenses are the last one out of all four pairs I own. I bought these from Pinkyparadise for $20.90 
Outdoors lightning
Indoors lightning
With flash
Geo Tricolor is definitely one of the most comfortable brands I have ever tried. I have worn these lenses for more than ten hours before and they were surprisingly comfortable throughout the time. But as I always say, your eyes will of course feel a little tired from lenses and even more if you wear falselashes too. 
Design ◆◇◇◇◇
The design of these circle lenses are very plain and almost boring, but I wanted a pair of natural brown circle lenses so I definitely got it.
Enlargment ◆◆◇◇◇
Not much of an enlargment since they only are 14.00mm in diameter. 
Color ◆◆◆◆◇
I think that the color is okay and suits well for a more natural look. In bright light the color gives a very vibrant color which I like.

Neo Glamour Gray - Review

Category: Reviews

Finally, I am doing a review on my all-time favorite circle lenses  I have tried Neo Glamour in different colors before, but gray is my favorite from the brand. Unfortunately there is only a few online shops that sell Neo Glamour. I ordered these from Honeycolor and the original price is $32.90 but they have been for sale($26.32) for quite a time now. Okay, let me show you why these are my all-time favorite 
Outdoors lightning
Indoors lightning
With flash
Neo Glamour has the most comfortable circle lenses I have ever worn ! But of course it gets a bit tiring for the eyes to wear lenses over eight hours, what lenses does not do that to your eyes? My point is that they are awesome even thought that they are circle lenses.
Design ◆◆◆
As you can see in the pictures, Neo Glamour has a kind of tricolor design with dark gray line around the lens, light gray on the lens and then finishes off with a light brown color to blend in the real eye color. And as I have mentioned before; I like natural looking circle lenses. If you do not look for a natural look then Neo Glamour may not be fit for you. 
Enlargment ◆◆◆◇◇
These lenses are 14,2mm in diameter so if you are looking for a bit of an enlargment, not a super dolly enlargment, then these are recommended.
Color ◆◆◆◆◆
Very vibrant even thought that I have brown eyes ! 

G&G Gothic 3 Tone Green - Review

Category: Reviews

Now on to my next review ! I love tricolor eyes and when I was about to choose a pair of circle lenses in the color green I found G&G Gothic 3 Tone. Green is one of my favorite eye colors but I have not yet found a pair of good green circle lenses and thought that I would give this one a try. I ordered these from PinkyParadise for $22.90 with a $12 fee on shipping. Since I ordered these for several months ago I can not recall how long it took to ship them. Anyway, here is my review 
Outdoors lightning
Indoors lightning
With flash
Sorry for my obvious non-curled real eyelashes, but I still have not bought a new curler.
Comfort ◇◇
I have worn these circle lenses a whole day before and it worked fine, but of course it gets a bit "heavy" if you stay indoors for a long time so make sure to get some fresh air or maybe eye drops once in a while. The only negative thing about the comfort of these lenses are that recently the right lens have been acting weird. Sometimes it feels as if the lens is damaged on the edge, because it starts to chafe(is that the right word for it?) but then stops for a while and then it repeats. 
Design ◆◆◆◆◆
I liked the tricolor design of these circle lenses d(´▽`) I have always been jealous of people with a mix of eye colors and with G&G Gothic 3 Tone it gives my eyes a beautiful natural look with a mix of colors. A plus from my side is also because they only have a thin brown line around the lens instead of those thick black ones on stereotype circle lenses. But if you do like the typical circle lens look then these might not be the one for you.
Enlargment ◆◆◆◆◇
These lenses are 14,5mm in diameter which means that they are quite big and gives an illusion of bigger eyes. If you want to achieve a dolly look but with a more natural touch, then these are recommended !
Color ◆◆◇◇◇
Ouff~ Once again I am not pleased with the color of green circle lenses (_ _;) I like the mix of green and brown/yellow togheter but my eyes are too dark for these lenses. The color is not vibrant at all, buhuu . . .
Was too lazy to style my hair so I used my wig from Ebay 

Eos Adult Blue - Review

Category: Reviews

So I finally decided to start reviewing my circle lenses d(⌒o⌒) At the moment I have four pair of lenses with different colors, and Eos Adult Blue is one of them. I ordered these from Honeycolor and was pretty surprised that they shipped so quickly because last time it took a month I think(?), but these came within 2 weeks. They cost me $20.61 and luckily I got the shipping for free thanks to their campaign that week. Well, let me show you how the lenses look like 
Outdoors lightning
Sorry for the bad quality in this photo, but the sun had already started to set and my camera is not very good when there is little light
Indoors lightning
With flash
It is my first time wearing Eos Adult and the fact that the design is quite similar on both sides of the lens I had to find out which one was the right the hard way. Sure does stings when wearing it the wrong side, lol . . . Anyway, you are not supposed to wear it the wrong side so, when wearing it the right side it is okay. I have worn more comfortable circle lenses but as I mentioned before, this is the first time I am wearing these and my guess is that my eyes are not yet used to them so therefore the "okay". 
Personally I prefer more natural looking circle lenses when it comes to the design and if you do too, I recommed Eos Adult for you. I like the that they only have a thin brown line around the lens, instead of those thick black ones on stereotype circle lenses.
These are only 14.00mm in diameter and therefore not much of an enlargment.
I love the color of these lenses  Even with brown eyes the color is vibrant.
For this review I wore my brown wig, bought from my one and only friend - Ebay
I hope my review was fulfilling and please comment if you have any questions or maybe a request for my next circle lens review (⌒ー⌒)ノ~~~